Fwd: Courrier Naftali Bennett Englais


The President                                                                               Paris, July 27, 2021


77 38 49 44


Mr. Naftali Bennett


of Israel

Our Ref: COE 2193



Mr. Prime Minister,


One thing is clear:
incitement to hatred against Israel is increasingly widespread in France, in
particular following the actions of radical pro-Palestinian organizations. It
is this hatred of Israel that feeds anti-Semitism and has prompted the killing
of Jews here in France under the pretext of “avenging Palestinian children”

My organization, like
many others in France and all over the world, is working to fight apartheid
accusations made day after day in the media and social networks against Israel

We are suing all B D S

A new observation
emerges, bitter: our actions are neutralized, not to say ridiculed, by Israelis
or associations like B’Tselem who militate against Israel by calling it an
apartheid state racist and discriminatory.

For example, the
association LE BOYCOTT DE L'INTERIEUR “directed by Mr Michel Warschawski
is directly linked to the PFLP, which advocates for” a Palestinian state
from the sea to the Jordan ” like all the BDS associations in France

We find that the state
you are running does not act against these organizations that claim that Israel
discriminates and tortures the Palestinians.

Recently an article
published in the French press (Liberation of July 27, 2021) reported a
collective of 1000 personalities who called for the “repression of the
crime of apartheid in historic Palestine”.

We respect freedom of
expression, but this public freedom scrupulously observed in Israel annihilates
all the actions we take in the diaspora to restore the truth and fight against
this hatred of Israel which leads to the anti-Jewish act. This freedom granted
to Israeli organizations against their own state endangers the Jewish diaspora
in general, and in France in particular.


M. Prime Minister, I have
the honor to ask you to use your authority to put an end to the actions of the
Israelis who incite hatred of their country as if they became its worst

Pending your response,
please believe in the expression of my best feelings and my cordial Shalom



Sammy Ghozlan

Garanti sans virus. www.avast.com

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